Glock Stick Note Booklet (Post It style stickers) is 106mm X 72mm. It is ideal for the top pocket. This booklet has four different colour Post-Its and a larger white sheet (also self adhesive) with the Glock pistol logo printed on each page.
Attractively priced as a stocking filler or small kind gift for the Glock enthusiast in your life. The Glock pencil is not included.

The Glock Self Adhesive Post It Note Book Features:
- Dark grey Faux Linen cover
- Glock Perfection Logo embossed on front cover
- 12 Lumo Red Post It self adhesives stickers 20×45
- 12 Lumo Orange Post It self adhesives stickers 20×45
- 12 Lumo Blue Post It self adhesives stickers 20×4
- 12 Lumo Green Post It self adhesives stickers 20×45
- 50 White Post It self adhesive stickers 72×100 with Glock pistol logo
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