Over 45 and find that you are having difficulty reading without a pair of readers? If this is the case you will probably be having trouble keeping your front sight is focus as well. Eye Armor offers an off the shelf solution for this. You can order a set of Eye Armor safety shooting glasses with a corrected zone for your dominant eye. This correction is available in 1/1.5/2/2.5 diopter increments for immediate dispatch 3 diopter and higher will have to be custom made and will take an additional 7 working days.. The methodology employed is to get the front sight as sharp as possible, whilst maintaining a good view of the actual target. This lens arrangement is not going to be suitable for daily use. This arrangement is specifically for shooting glasses.

Step 1. Try out various strength readers until your front sight is sharp.
Using a pen tilted forward in the hands you will be able to simulate the distance from eye to front sight without actually having to draw your Glock at your local Dischem while trying out various readers strengths.
Step 2. Corrective script for your Dominant Eye
Check which is your dominant eye and see how many diopters was the readers lens that enabled you to see the tip of the pen clearly.
Step 4. Select the correct diopter lens from the dropdown
Choose the diopter strength and left or right eye correction from the dropdown and your new set of prescription shooting glasses will be couriered to you the same day – if ordered by or before 12 noon.