Glock channel maintenance kit

R509.99 including VAT

The new Glock channel maintenance kit is now in stock – Glock OEM product

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Glock channel maintenance kit.  Suitable for all Glock pistols models

 channel maintenance kit

The five tools clean and scrape carbon and debris from the channels in the slide:

  • Firing pin channel (#1 & #2)
  • Firing pin safety channel (#3 & #4)
  • Firing pin drain channel (#5)
NOTE from our Glock Armourer: This kit will not remove  Cerakote from critical tolerance areas of a Glock slide. This kit is intended to remove debris and carbon deposits that occur over time due to normal operating conditions. Anyone who applies Cerakote to a firearm should protect critical tolerance areas like the firing pin channel and safety plunger channel with silicone plugs to prevent Cerakote buildup.