The Glock Experience Glock Gen 5 special offer is an opportunity to test shoot the Glock Gen 5 Range for only R299.00 on our indoor range in Sandton. Select any or all of the current Gen 5 range on offer and divide your allowance of 30 rounds of 9mm ammo between them. Furthermore, as an extra incentive, we will throw into the mix the use of a Glock 43 slimline as well.
Glock Experience
The Glock Experience, pioneered by The Glock Shop/Southern Sky Operations in South Africa. Immerse yourself in this shooting experience at an extremely affordable price. Hundreds of participants agree that the experience was informative and excellent value for money.
The Glock Experience offers:
- Affordable access for first-time shooters wanting to fire a semi-auto pistol
- Brush up on the latest shooting techniques and range safety
- Make a direct comparison between Glock models
- Test shoot a Glock
Shoot the Glock Gen 5 Range
To summarise you can test shoot a Glock 17 Gen 5, Glock 19 Gen 5, Glock 19X,Glock 26 Gen 5.Glock 43X and a Glock 43. Total of 30 shots. You decide the split. If you have heard about the new Glock Gen 5’s and want to shoot one, this is an incredible opportunity.
Glock 17 Gen 5 vs Glock 19 Gen 5
The debate between the Glock 17 and Glock 19 is an ongoing one. Is the Glock 17 too big to carry? Is the Glock 19 the ideal concealed carry firearm? Maybe a Glock 26 Gen 5 is the way to go? What about the slimline Glock 43X?
Stop being an armchair expert. Come into the Glock Shop in Sandton and shoot these Glock pistols yourself. Then be the judge. Perhaps find the answer to the ongoing debate about the Glock 17 Gen 5 vs Glock 19 Gen 5?
Try Before you Buy:
Test shoot a Glock. To assist in your evaluation of the Glock Gen 5 range, the Glock Experience event is run as follows.
Approximately 30 minutes duration a certified firearms instructor will first take you through the essential details of the Glock Gen 5 range. Additionally we cover all aspects of safety and basic maintenance requirements. Furthermore, an updated review of current and newly released loads for 9mm Para is offered.
The customer will then progress to live fire. On one target – which the customer may keep – A total of 30 rounds of ammunition. Debrief and conclude the session
Download the Glock 2024 Buyers Guide -click on image below.

Where and what to bring?
The Glock Experience:
70 5th Street. Wynberg. Sandton.
The Glock Experience program will be held on an indoor 25m range licensed by SAPS and certified by the SABS. We suggest you bring a hat, cap or scarf. Ear and eye protection will be provided.
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